dating victor 78 records

Less_Stuff_More_Room : Message: FS: RCA Victor 78-rpm records.
Victor Talking Machine Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Feb 22, 2012. For sale are several 78-rpm made by RCA Victor in various genres. Records are priced at $2.00 each. Less for orders of more records in an.
Garage-Sale-Pack-Ratz : Message: FS: RCA Victor 78-rpm records.
Victor - The 78rpm Record Home Page.
Feb 22, 2012. For sale are several 78-rpm made by RCA Victor in various genres. Records are priced at $2.00 each. Less for orders of more records in an.
Nov 16, 2010. Because of patents held by both Columbia and Victor during the first few. were manufactured for Columbia by Globe Record Co. and date to.
"I saw some old records that are a quarter of an inch thick," they tell me.. Labels never fall off my Victor or Columbia 78s whereas I have glued many labels back .. date when the disc was issued, date when disc was deleted from the catalog.
VINTAGE 78 VICTOR RECORD~ORTHOPHONIC RECORDING~VICTOR TALKING. HUGE Lot of (58) VTG 78 RPM Talking Machine 10" Records RCA Victor Capitol MORE .. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date.
Here are some 78 RPM record label pictures for your enjoyment. These are only for. 1.12: 4 Patents, typed recording date, New York. 02.2 - Victor Record.
Victor 78 Record 4000 - 4999 Discography -
dating victor 78 records
Antique Victrola Records in Music Records | eBay.
Japanese 78 Records in Music Records | eBay.
dating victor 78 records
Victor 78 Record 30000 - 39999 Discography - Talking Machine Records in Music Records | eBay.
3 Vintage RCA Victor 78s Records Set James Melton Music | eBay.
1908 Victor Record in Music Records | eBay.
Posted in 78 and Other Disc Records, Victor 78 rpm Records | Tagged victor 78 record .. Details and date ranges for Victor's many studios can found on the.
I am now very curious about the cut-off date for 78 rpm recordings in. Guide to Victor Records says it's also the last RCA Victor 78 title, period.
Jan 2, 2013. RCA Victor 20-prefix series. 1500 - 2000 numerical listing. Label: Artist: Tune: MX : Xref: Ctrl: Date: Comp: 20-1500B, BUNNY BERIGAN & HIS.
Find great deals on eBay for Antique Victor Records in Music.
Records in this series with just "Victor" on the label were made between October 1942. Artist - Song Title (Composer) - Pressing Ref number/s - Loction - Date.