fluoride lowers your iq

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ | Dprogram.

May 25, 2012. natural society: There is a great deal of controversy revolving around the addition of fluoride in many communities' drinking water. While some.
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ A. many scientific studies showing the direct, toxic effects of fluoride on your body, it's truly remarkable.
Fluoride Lowers Your IQ | A Debated Truth? - The Tree Of Liberty.
fluoride lowers your iq
25 Studies Prove Fluoride Reduces Your IQ | USAHM Conspiracy.
May 25, 2012. natural society: There is a great deal of controversy revolving around the addition of fluoride in many communities' drinking water. While some.
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ A. many scientific studies showing the direct, toxic effects of fluoride on your body, it's truly remarkable.
Rachels introduction: "The Precautionary Principle dictates that fluoride, now. We are at a crucial tipping point and need your help to get our water free of fluoride.. and no less than 18 studies which show that fluoride lowers IQ in children.
Fluoride - Dangers of Fluoridation | Mercola.com.
Feb 2, 2013. Absolutely surreal when it happens in your own back yard. .. have “significantly lower” IQ scores than those who live in low fluoride areas.
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ: A. brain barrier, with EMF, to calcify it and lower your ability to produce melatonin.
Aug 22, 2012. A recently published Harvard study showed that children living in areas with highly fluoridated water have "significantly lower" IQ scores than.
Learn about the dangers of fluoride and the practice of water fluoridation should . a substance known to lower the IQ of your kids and is linked to brain damage.
Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children Alex Jones.
Thread: Fluoride....how to ruin your water in your brain.
Jul 27, 2012. A Cracked.com Senior Editor shows when you dig deeper you see that all was not when it seemed with the fluoridation lower IQ study.
Fluoride Lowers Your IQ: B.S. Headline of the Week.